About Whitfield Russell Associates
Whitfield Russell Associates is an electric utility consulting firm providing expertise and analysis in all areas of bulk power market transactions, transmission planning and electric utility planning, operation, marketing, and regulation. The members of the firm have training and experience in electric power engineering, economics, law, accounting, and computer applications. The firm provides expertise and expert testimony related to electric system planning and electric system operations in production, transmission, and distribution, electric power market analysis and development, electric utility computer simulation, project economic evaluation, contract damage studies, power and transmission contract negotiation, forecasting of energy and demand levels as well as fuel and allowance prices, and electric rate cost of service, cost allocation and rate design.
Whitfield Russell Associates was formed in 1976. Currently, the firm is located at 4232 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302. We can be reached via email on the form on this page, by phone at 703.894.2200 and by fax at 703.894.2207. We also maintain this web site at www.wrassoc.com.
Clients of the firm include a wide spectrum of power suppliers, load serving entities, consumers and regulators. These clients include: independent power producers, industrial power consumers, cogenerators, state agencies and commissions, federal agencies, consumer groups, and electric utilities owned by investors, municipalities, cooperatives, States and State subdivisions, Canadian provinces and the federal government.
Whitfield Russell Associates has acted, since 1976, as negotiator, planner, and utility expert for industrial buyers and generators of power, as well for U. S. and Canadian federal power agencies (Western Area Power Administration, Bonneville Power Administration, Province of Manitoba), municipal agencies and power systems (Chicago, IL., Madison, NJ, Gillette, WY), and state utility commissions, agencies, and advocates. Whitfield Russell Associates' professionals have appeared as regulatory and litigation expert witnesses in electric utility planning, operations, and rates before state and federal courts and agencies in more than 30 states, the District of Columbia, and two Canadian Provinces.
The industrial users and independent producers for which Whitfield Russell Associates has worked include Wind and Geothermal project developers, Sempra, Dow Corning, Caterpillar-Solar Turbines, Exxon, Mission Energy, Destec Energy, Phibro, MidAtlantic Cogen Inc., Cyprus Minerals, and Coastal Power Production. Services provided to these clients included generation interconnection, power market studies and assessments, estimates of future power, fuel, and allowance prices, electric supply planning, negotiation of power sale, power purchase, and power transmission agreements, regulatory interpretation of tariff and contract provisions, rate and avoided cost determination, and contract litigation support.
Other clients include the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut, Wisconsin Public Power Inc., the Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency, the States of South Dakota and Hawaii, and the District of Columbia Public Service Commission Staff.
In the past, Whitfield Russell Associates has worked on behalf of The Dow Chemical Company, its partially-owned subsidiary, Destec Energy, Inc., The National Coal Association, Zaldivar Mine, (joint venture in Chile of Placer Dome Mining and Outukumpu), FMC Corporation, Big Three Industries, Occidental Petroleum, Ethyl Corporation, Zeigler Coal, Triton Coal (Shell Oil), O'Brien Energy, AES, Foster Wheeler, Wheelabrator-Frye, British Petroleum and Peat Products of America.
Additionally, Whitfield Russell Associates is nationally recognized as a leader in electric utility regulatory issues, emerging electric utility competition, transmission access, and the unbundling of traditional electric utility services. Mr. Russell has lectured at the Regulatory Studies Program sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners at Michigan State University, at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission Seminar on "Regulating Diversified Electric Utilities: Accounting and Financial Issues", and at the Annual Conference of the Electricity Consumers Resource Council on the Pacific Northwest-Pacific Southwest Intertie. Whitfield Russell Associates has participated in the development of a national transmission access proposal submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on behalf of the Transmission Access Policy Study Group (TAPS), and has had partners testify before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and before the Pennsylvania House Committee on Conservation regarding electric transmission issues.